The result of a material breach of the license by the licensee. 被许可方造成重大违约的后果。
The Rapidly Emplaced Hydraulic Arch Barrier, made of the same material as the other two devices, can be put in place around a plugged breach to keep it sealed and dry once the PLUG has been removed. 该装置的全称叫做“便置式拱形折流坝”。它与前两种装置采用相同材料制作,可以围住一个被暂时封堵住的堤坝裂口,使之与河水隔开。
How to Dissolve Labor Contract on The Basis of Material Breach of Rules? 如何依据劳动者严重违反规章制度解除劳动合同?
Failure to notify Party A shall be deemed to be a material breach of this Agreement. 未能按上述要求通知甲方的,则视为构成实质违约。(作谓语)
32. The representative of China further noted that since 1 January 1994, designated forex banks had become major participants in forex transactions. ( 6) No material breach of foreign exchange regulations for the recent three years. 32.中国代表进一步指出,自1994年1月1日起,外汇指定银行成为外汇交易的主体。(六)具备外汇指定银行资格和经营人民币业务资格;
Employing the resolution's language, the Bush administration has argued that Iraq is in "material breach" and that war is thus justified. 利用这项决议的语言,布什政府声称伊拉克正在“实质性违反”义务,因此伊拉克战争是合法的。
We carried similar material imitation with up-dip mining method experiment, with it we studied the cover rock movement and breach laws in incline fully mechanized coal face. 本课题在实验室做了仰斜开采覆岩结构破坏规律相似材料模拟试验,通过试验研究了倾斜综放采场覆岩移动破坏规律。
Then in the design style, taken the spatial composition, the color construction, the decoration material quality, the symbolic metaphor four aspects as the breach, Zhongshan Cemetery landscape is summarized "the opening memorial" the style characteristic. 然后在设计风格中,以空间组成、色彩形制、装饰材质、象征隐喻四大方面为突破口,归纳总结出中山陵景观开放的纪念性的风格特点。